
Love And Memories, All Within Reach . A Modern And Elegance Columbarium In Kajang Town Center

簡潔明亮的建築風格,新穎有個性又不失現代感。其清爽大方的內部設計,綠意盎然的庭園景觀,寧靜安詳,烏語花香。樓高三層的別墅式設計,以寬敞開明的空間,與周圍綠色環境完美結合。這裹一共備有大約一萬個整齊簡潔的骨灰靈位, 天寧開敞舒適的意境,定為先人提供個安寧的歸屬。

Spacious and brightly lit, this modern-looking, minimalist Columbarium is styled with both elegance and gracefulness. Surrounded by the generous of lush greenery landscape and garden, this 3-storey building mimics the coziness of a spa retreat. This posh looking Columbarium is housing approximately 10,000 lots that offer a lifetime of blessings and harmonious bliss.



Breathe in tranquility once you step foot into the harmonious surroundings. Listen to the whispering breeze, brushing through the leaves of trees, creating ripples on the pond, teasing the fishes.

Tian Ning Columbarium is located next to the busiest part of Kajang Town. It is set to face the South direction, with the stability of a hill supporting its back, and the abundance of water at the front, while an expansive park and lush greenery to welcome you. A well-planned Feng Shui arrangement that will amplify the spiritual blessing for the benefits of our future.

生命本是一個圓。喜樂哀愁交替互補,填滿了絢麗的人生色彩。先人圓滿的生命旅程, 讓我們秉承了珍貴的教誨。人生的理念,人生的經驗,去蕪存菁,流傳后世,精益求精。

Life is a glorious cycle, decorated by the rays of our beautiful memories. Every life cycle is unique, learn from it, embrace the memories of life, add in new layers of knowledge and wisdom, and let's share it until the end of time.


Tian Ning Columbarium is always thoughtful. The spacious and airy architecture with air-conditioned columbarium is designed to bring comfort to your grieving hearts. Committed to facilitating an excellent products and service, Tian Ning offers a variety of choices from exclusive Bodhi Zone to air-conditioned Prestige Zone and Christian Zone. And lot of much anticipated products.

天寧骨灰閣座落於加影市內旺中帶靜的地段, 是座擁有永久地契的現代化合法私營骨灰閣。天寧骨灰閣距離吉隆坡市中心僅35分鐘車程,並連結各高速大道,其中包括了蕉賴-加影高速大道以及SILK高速大道直通古隆坡以及其他主要公路,非常便捷。天寧骨灰閣除了設計典雅高尚之餘,還備有24小時保安,冷氣空調設備,電梯,無障礙設施,休息室,衛生間等設施。

Tian Ning Columbarium is strategically located next to the busiest part of Kajang town, only slightly more than half an hour drive away from Kuala Lumpur via Cheras-Kajang and SILK Highways, a paradise within reach. This legally operated privately owned, freehold property is offering you peace of mind on top of a well array of facilities including 24 hours security service, air-conditioned environment, elevators, disable friendly, private lounges, restrooms and more.

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Lot 66431, Jalan Pusat Perniagaan 3,
Pusat Perniagaan Sungai Jelok,
43000 Kajang, Selangordarul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Tel: (+6)03-8740 4729 (+6)012-673 3232 Fax:(+6)03-8734 0889
Email: ask@tianning.com.my
GPS: 2.993096, 101.799692

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